Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at [email protected]



Are you interested in learning more about the work of CTBTO?  Our new permanent exhibit is open to the public at the Vienna International Centre (VIC). Learn about our mission to ban nuclear testing by exploring our interactive stations. You can dive into the various components of our work, including the International Monitoring System (IMS), International Data Centre (IDC), On-Site Inspection (OSI), civil & scientific uses of CTBT data, and how to contribute to our mission!

You can visit the CTBTO exhibit at UN Headquarters in Vienna by taking a guided tour to get a glimpse of how more than 190 nations work together in 'UNO City' to promote peace, sustainable development and human rights across the globe. Learn more at the United Nations Information Service Visitors Services website. 
