Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at [email protected]

For Researchers and Experts

CTBTO offers many engagement opportunities for scientific researchers and experts, providing access to data, training, products and workshops.  Whether a professor at a university, a station operator, or an analyst at a National Data Centre, there are ways to engage with us and contribute to the mission.  

Through vDEC (virtual Data Exploitation Centre), scientific researchers can request access to CTBTO’s impressive collection of seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide data. The access will be granted for research associated with the development of the IMS or IDC or for the purposes stated in the cost-free vDEC contracts, whether that’s tracking whale sounds or improving machine learning methods for event detection.    

Authorized users from State Signatories can access the Secure Web Portal, which contains access to data, products, software, and documentation to support the needs of National Data Centres.

The Capacity Building and Training link gives details of trainings, workshops and technical events where experts can gather to deepen their expertise, share their knowledge and give feedback and recommendations on CTBTO’s plans and practices.  

The Knowledge and Training Portal provides online training, education, and outreach to educate and empower experts, complementing traditional classroom training and field exercises with e-learning modules available in the six United Nations languages.