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Living and working in Vienna

Another reason to work for the CTBTO: Living in Vienna

The city of Vienna has something for everyone; it is full of museums, theaters, opera houses, historical sites, and parks. Some of the main attractions include the MuseumsQuartier, Belvedere and Schönbrunn Castles, Stephansdom and Karlskirche Cathedrals, hectares of parks and green space for relaxing, and proximity to hiking trails and local wineries. There is also an array of festivals and events held throughout the year.

In addition, Vienna is clean and safe, just a few of the reasons the city regularly tops global quality of life surveys and livability indices.

Vienna's excellent infrastructure, reliable public transport network, first-class water supply, top healthcare, low crime rate, availability of high-quality housing as well as the large variety of cultural and leisure activities are reasons why Vienna is ranked first time and again as the most livable city in the world.

Easy Travel

Another great aspect of living in Vienna is the public transport. There is an affordable and reliable network of buses, trams, subway lines, and regional trains that operate throughout the city, allowing you to get just about anywhere within a quick 10 to 20 minutes.

If you prefer to make your way around the city by bike, Vienna offers a 1600 kilometer network of bike lanes, combined pedestrian and bike paths, and car-free zones. Check out the Vienna cycling map to get a full view of just how bike friendly the city is.

Gateway to the Rest of the World

Located in the heart of Europe, Vienna offers the possibility of easy travel to other major European capitals such as Budapest, Prague, Rome, Paris, Berlin and many more. The city hosts several major train stations and Vienna International Airport (VIE) is located 20 kilometers from the Vienna International Center. It is an excellent gateway from which to explore the rest of Europe or the world. There is a lot to explore in Austria from city to country. The country’s high-quality roads and trains offer quick and safe options for day trips and more.

Working at the Vienna International Center (VIC)

The CTBTO is located in the Vienna International Center (VIC), the third UN Headquarters to be established following New York and Geneva. A quick 15-minute U-bahn (subway) ride from the historic city center, the VIC is in the 22nd district of the Austrian capital near the Danube River. Along with the CTBTO, the VIC houses the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), and many other UN agencies also have representatives here.

Within the VIC you’ll find an array of services offered such as a commissary, banking services, dry cleaner, cafeteria, coffee bars, and more. Plus, its location, right next to the Danube River and Donauinsel, make for a great place to have lunch, go for a walk, or even a quick swim.