Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at [email protected]

Major Purchase Categories

International  Monitoring  Systems (IMS) Division

  • Construction related to the establishment of IMS stations ​
  • On-site survey services​
  • Minor civil works and upgrades at station locations, including at remote locations​
  • Maintenance services​
  • Electrical installation and design Engineering services, e.g. Low voltage power networks for remote locations and lightning protection systems​
  • Civil Engineering services ​
  • Geophysical engineering services​
  • Metrology engineering services​
  • Radionuclide engineering services​
  • Hydroacoustic engineering services​
  • Underwater cable inspections and repair​
  • Information management services for engineering planning​
  • Research and development studies in the major technologies employed by the CTBT​
  • Radionuclide measurement/sampling equipment, including noble gas measurement systems ​
  • Infrasound sensors and related equipment, including wind noise reducing systems​
  • Seismic sensors (e.g. seismometers) and related equipment​
  • Data acquisition systems​
  • HPGe detector systems​
  • Hydroacoustic sensors and related equipment ​
  • Integrated communication systems, related equipment and services
  • Integrated communication systems, related equipment and services​
  • Micro-barometers and related equipment and services​
  • High-resolution Digitizers​
  • Filter material for radionuclide particle measurement​
  • Software engineering related to the main technologies of CTBTO​
  • Office IT hardware​
  • Public information expert services​
  • UPS systems and batteries​
  • Logistics support services including logistics analysis software​
  • Shipping services​
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) services​
  • Internet security hardware and software​
  • ERP system support and development services​
  • ERP system consulting services​
  • Computer hardware and large storage systems​
  • Computer operating systems, e.g. Unix, Linux and Windows​ Surveillance systems​
  • Mobile phones and accessories​
  • Satellite phones​
  • IT Hardware Maintenance Services

International Data Centre (IDC) Division​

  • Satellite link communication services​
  • Station operation services​
  • Software Engineering Services, Processing and Dissemination​
  • Canonical Solutions for Seismo-Acoustic Propagation in Coastal Environments to Support Analysts in Identifying Phases at T-stations​
  • Software Maintenance Services​
  • Public Key Infrastructure maintenance, support and development of enhanced solutions ​
  • Data Link Services​
  • Communication Network Services​
  • Xenon Mitigation Projects services​
  • Project Management and AGILE in-house training courses​
  • Journal subscriptions and publication of articles​
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Programs​

On-Site Inspections (OSI) Division​

  • Transportation and logistics services​
  • Telemetry services​
  • e-Learning software​
  • Field deployment equipment and services​
  • Helium, nitrogen, CO2 and xenon gases​
  • Software services​
  • High Pressure Inflatable Tents and accessories​
  • Satellite imagery equipment

Other ​

  • Website services​
  • Conference support services​
  • Presentation and display materials​
  • Video, photography and multimedia services​
  • Event related services​
  • Printing and production services​
  • Transportation Services​
  • Advisory Services​
  • Office supplies and paper​
  • Printing services​
  • Talent (recruitment) management system (software)​
  • Management training​
  • Vehicles​ Maintenance and insurance of vehicle fleet​
  • Procurement software solutions​
  • Medical insurance for staff and non-staff​
  • Emergency transportation services​
  • Equipment insurance