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Annual joint Global Communications/Evaluation workshop takes place in Vienna

The fifth annual joint Global Communications Infrastructure (GCI)/Evaluation workshop took place in Vienna from 20 to 23 October 2003, with the aim of promoting discussions on GCI issues in order to develop recommendations that would improve the GCI and help to set a course for its future development. Some 100 participants from 30 countries, delegates from States Signatories, staff of the United Nations and of other international organizations and the telecommunications industry were present, offering their experience in procuring, operating and maintaining global networks.
During the three and a half day meeting, a total of 42 presentations were made on Operation and Maintenance and functionality of global networks, and on technology refreshment options, by a distinguished selection of speakers, which allowed participants to benefit from their experiences. The workshop also gave participants an opportunity to see the facilities of the International Data Centre, to attend live demonstrations and to interact with the staff of the Provisional Technical Secretariat. Discussion sessions provided participants with an opportunity to exchange views and to provide feedback on the GCI, making this year's event one of the most successful and fruitful ever. The workshop was organized around two separate themes:
  • GROUP A - the first theme focused on the current Operation & Maintenance (O&M) and functionality of the GCI. The ultimate goals were to facilitate optimal use of the current GCI, adapt it to the needs of the station operators, and ensure sound and appropriate development of the GCI under its present conceptual form.
  • GROUP B - the second theme focused on the next GCI generation. The Expert Group on GCI Technology Refreshment also used this opportunity to continue their consultations on:
    - Possible emerging technologies for CTBTO requirements;
    - Options beyond the current GCI contract, which expires in 2008, and;
    - The CTBTO procurement and contractual process