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April 2003 information visit concludes

An information visit to CTBTO Headquarters organized by International Cooperation has taken place from 14 to 17 April. The visit, made possible by a voluntary contribution from Norway, aimed to enhance awareness of the significance of the Treaty, and to support the establishment of International Monitoring System stations. The participants were Mr. Titus Mteleka of Tanzania, and Major Colonel Neji Fekih of Tunisia. Mr. Titus Mteleka is the Director of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Tanzania. This Ministry is responsible for the National Radiation Commission which oversees the International Monitoring System (IMS) radionuclide station RN64 at Dar es Salaam. Major Colonel Neji Fekih is the Director-General of Tunisia's National Centre for Remote Sensing. He is responsible for CTBT issues in Tunisia, including the installation of the two IMS stations at Thala, PS42 and IS48. The participants met with the Executive Secretary and were briefed by the Legal and External Relations Division as well as by all the Technical Divisions.