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CTBT Operations and Maintenance Workshop and certification ceremony held in Baden, Austria

The latest Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Operations and Maintenance Workshop was held from 11-15 October 2004 in Baden, Austria, and attracted the highest number of participants of all workshops organized by the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) to date, making it a highly successful and memorable occasion for all concerned. Two hundred and six attendees from 53 Member States (118 station operators or National Data Centres' staff, 20 equipment provider representatives) and 60 PTS staff and 8 members of the External Review Team came together to concentrate on the provisional operation and maintenance of stations.

Group photo of participants at the Operations and Maintenance Workshop held in Baden, Austria.

The presentations and discussions focused on four themes: Station Operation and Management; Sustainability and Development; System Performance; and Training. They were held in parallel groups and wrapped up in daily plenary sessions. The workshop also provided the opportunity to organise discussion forums to enhance the communication between the PTS, station operators and National Data Centres' (NDC) staff. On the last day Dr Mike Berry, chairperson of the workshop, presented detailed summary comments in several areas, including communications, finances, maintenance, coordination, tools and databases.

Dr. Mike Berry, chairperson, speaks to Operation and Maintenance workshop participants on the last day of the workshop.

The event ended with a closing ceremony where IMS section chiefs Sergio Barrientos, Seismic stations; Thomas Hoffmann, Infrasound stations; Martin Lawrence, Hydroacoustic stations; and Franca Padoani, Radionuclide stations and laboratories, presented seventy-eight station and two radionuclide laboratory certification certificates to station operators and NDC staff, in recognition of their important contribution to the effective functioning of the IMS network.

Dr. Mike Berry, chairperson, speaks to Operation and Maintenance workshop participants on the last day of the workshop.