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The CTBTO and the Government
of Hungary organised an Experts’
Discussion in Sopron, Hungary

The CTBTO Preparatory Commission and the Government of Hungary organised an Experts’ Discussion on Civil and Scientific Applications of CTBT Verification Technologies in Sopron, Hungary, on 6 September 2003. The meeting was held in follow-up to the Experts' Discussion on Civil and Scientific Applications of Verification Technologies, held in London, United Kingdom, in May 2002.
Speakers from six States (Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary and South Africa) and the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) contributed presentations to the meeting. Observers from three States (Canada, France and the United States of America) and the NGO VERTIC (Verification Research, Training & Information Centre) also attended the event in addition to representatives from the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the CTBTO Preparatory Commission and the Hungarian Atomic Energy Commission. Staff members from the PTS participated in and supported the event.
The expert discussion aimed at reviewing and further exploring potential civil and scientific applications of two selected Treaty verification technologies (seismology and radionuclide). Civil and scientific applications demonstrate, in part, the benefits to States of participating in the Treaty verification regime, and thus enhance States' support in its build-up, and the promotion of further signatures and ratifications of the Treaty.