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CTBTO expands cooperation with Austria

CTBTO enhances cooperation with Austria’s Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics

The Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Tibor Tóth, participated in a well-attended joint press conference today together with the Austrian Minister of Science, Johannes Hahn, and the Governor of Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll, to mark the groundbreaking ceremony of the extension of the Conrad Observatory. The Austrian Ministry of Science and the Government of Lower Austria have decided to invest six million Euros into the extension of the Conrad Observatory, which is situated approximately 50 km southwest of Vienna. The Government of Austria has already made the Conrad Observatory available for the CTBTO to conduct seismic measuring experiments and training activities for the last 10 years.

CTBTO Executive Secretary, Tóth (center), with Austria's Minister of Science, Hahn (left), and the Governor of Lower Austria, Pröll.

Ideal location for testing the CTBTO's verification technologies

Through its infrastructure and remote location, where there is very little seismic and infrasound “background noise”, the Conrad Observatory offers an ideal environment for the CTBTO’s activities. After the extension, it will also be possible to use the observatory for conducting infrasound measuring experiments. On its part, the CTBTO will invest more than 500,000 Euros in equipment for the facility over the next few years.

"Cooperation with science essential for CTBTO"

Tóth stressed that the cooperation with the Austrian Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics helps the CTBTO to further refine its verification techniques and increase the precision with which nuclear tests can be detected: “Given our complex and challenging mandate, close cooperation with science is essential for us. The Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics and the scientific community are therefore natural cooperation partners for us."

The International Scientific Studies project ISS

"With the International Scientific Studies project (ISS), the CTBTO is presently embarking upon large-scale cooperation with the scientific community, which will unite scientists from around the globe in assessing the readiness and capability of CTBT verification system.”, Tóth added. Tóth expressed his gratitude for the strong political and financial support the CTBTO is receiving from Austria, the host country of the organization.