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CTBTO images now available on flickr

The organization promoting and preparing for the entry into force of the comprehensive ban on nuclear testing is enhancing its web presence by sharing its images on flickr. Free access to an ever increasing number of photographs featuring the work of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is only a few clicks away.

Monitoring the Earth

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) bans all nuclear explosions on Earth.  A verification regime is being built to monitor the planet for nuclear explosions. Its International Monitoring System ( IMS) is comprised of 337 facilities worldwide, two thirds of which are already established and send monitoring data to the International Data Centre in Vienna for analysis.  On-site inspections complement the system.  After entry into force of the Treaty such an inspection would involve thorough examination by a group of inspectors of an area where a nuclear explosion is suspected to have taken place.

Sorted by subject matter, current image material covers IMS stations of all four monitoring technologies – seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide – the integrated on-site inspection field exercise in September 2008 in Kazakhstan and the June 2009 International Scientific Studies (ISS) Conference. Each section gives a short introduction to the subject matter and all images feature informative captions.

More images to come!

The current photo archive on flickr is only a start.  CTBTO will continue to add images covering its activities.  All images are available in high resolution for cost-free download. Media representatives and publishers are invited to take advantage of this new service when covering the CTBT and the CTBTO.  When images are used for publications, they should be credited to the CTBTO.

CTBTO’s presence on flickr is only the latest step in increasing its use of web-based communication tools as a means of reaching out globally.  The organization has been present on other social networking platforms, such as facebook, twitter and youtube for several months, allowing those interested to follow relevant developments.