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CTBTO Preparatory Commission launches CTBTO Spectrum newsletter

CTBTO Spectrum, a new biannual newsletter on the activities of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission and the Provisional Technical Secretariat, has been launched on 3 December. This new publication will foster public awareness of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and provide in-depth information on the work of the Commission and the establishment of the International Monitoring System (IMS). It is available in hardcopy and on this web site. Every issue of CTBTO Spectrum focuses on a particular theme, highlighted by an interview with a key specialist and a feature article by an expert. The first issue focuses on the significant role of the Treaty in nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and gives an overview of the status of the verification regime build-up. Regular columns in each issue will also provide information on the latest developments in verification science, give insights into the potential civil and scientific applications of CTBT verification technologies, and report on the latest session of the Preparatory Commission. To receive CTBTO Spectrum in hardcopy, please write to [email protected]. If you would like to receive notification when a new issue of CTBTO Spectrum is posted on the web site, please go to our subscription area.