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Evaluation Workshop held in Amman, Jordan

An Evaluation Workshop has taken place successfully in Amman, Jordan, from 30 November to 4 December 2003. The workshop was hosted by the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan. Thirty-nine participants from 17 countries attended (Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Norway, Romania, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, USA), as well as staff from the Provisional Technical Secretariat. In all, 25 presentations were submitted.
The objective of the workshop was to address specific topics of interest for States Signatories and the PTS related to the establishment of the verification system, and to advance interaction between the PTS and National Authorities and National Data Centres (NDCs). The workshop also aimed to receive technical input and feedback from NDCs. Topics discussed included a review of the recommendations of the previous Evaluation Workshop in Norway (2002) and their status of implementation. Participants also examined cooperation between national data centres and the PTS in assessing the verification system, and the preparation, conduct and assessment of the first system-wide performance test (SPT1). In addition, the workshop discussed IDC's monthly reports on the performance assessment of the system elements, assessed IDC products and services, and considered a number of data availability issues. The 'NDC in a box' tool was also examined, as were activities conducted by the NDCs and the proactive role of the PTS. Recommendations arising from the discussions will be submitted for the next Session of Working Group B.