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Executive Secretary meets with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

On 3 November 2014, CTBTO Executive Secreary Lassina Zerbo met UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to discuss the political situation around the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its prospects for entry into force.

Zerbo briefed Ban on the Integrated Field Exercise (IFE14), which started that day with launch-phase activities in Vienna.
Ban is a long-time supporter of the CTBT, having served as the Chairman of the organization's executive body in 1999. In September 2014, Ban opened the last CTBT Ministerial Meeting in New York, see statement. He is expected to convene the next Article XIV Conference to promote the Treaty's entry into force in September 2015, also in New York.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General also discussed the current situation in Burkina Faso with Zerbo, a national of that country, see UN statement. The Secretary-General was in Vienna for a UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo