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Expert Follow-up Meeting on CTBT Work for States from Central Asia is held
in Baku, Azerbaijan

Assisted by the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS), the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan hosted a Follow-up Expert Meeting on the Establishment of a Regional Cooperation Centre on CTBT Work for States from Central Asia and the Caucasus in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 13 to 14 December 2004. Twenty-three participants from 9 States (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) took part in the expert meeting. The expert meeting aimed to:
  • Enhance exchange of information and experience for the effective implementation of CTBT and the establishment of the verification regime in Central Asia and the Caucasus; and;
  • Provide a forum for technical experts to consult on guidelines to initiate a proposed regional cooperation centre for CTBT purposes for States from Central Asia and the Caucasus, in follow-up to the Workshop on CTBTO International Cooperation for States from Central Asia and the Caucasus, held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 25 to 27 March 2004.

23 participants from 9 States took part in the Follow-up Expert Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan

The participants discussed the range of topics set out in the programme and provided proposals on the possible way forward. The PTS expresses its appreciation to the host country for its initiative on hosting the event; to the States that participated in the expert meeting; and to all participants for their contributions to the meeting aiming at advancing the cause of the Treaty and promoting regional cooperation to that end.

The participants during the Follow-up Expert Meeting