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Facility Agreement with Paraguay enters into force

A Facility Agreement signed by Paraguay and the CTBTO Preparatory Commission entered into force on 27 January 2006. The agreement was signed on 4 April 2003 by Ambassador Oscar Cabello Sarubbi, Permanent Representative of Paraguay, on behalf of Paraguay and by Mr Wolfgang Hoffmann, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, on behalf of the Commission. The date of entry into force is in accordance with Article 22 of the Agreement which states that the Facility Agreement will enter into force on the day on which the CTBTO Preparatory Commission receives notification of Paraguay that national requirements for the entry into force have been fulfilled. The Agreement regulates the conduct of activities in respect of primary seismic station PS 30 and infrasound station IS 41, both at Villa Florida. To date, the CTBTO Preparatory Commission has concluded 33 Facility Agreements, out of which 27 have entered into force and two are being provisionally applied.

Ambassador Oscar Cabello Sarubbi (right) and Mr. Wolfgang Hoffmann, former Executive Secretary, concluded Facility Agreement between Paraguay and the CTBTO Preparatory Commission on 4 April 2003.