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Hungarian Ambassador visits Executive Secretary

The Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations in New York, H.E. Mr. Laszlo Molnar, today paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Secretary, Mr. Wolfgang Hoffmann, at the CTBTO Preparatory Commission headquarters in Vienna.

Ambassador Molnar will be the Chairperson of the Second Session of the Preparatory Commission for the 2005 Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) Review Conference. This Treaty obligates non-nuclear weapon States Parties not to possess, acquire or manufacture nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Nuclear-weapon States Parties to this Treaty are obligated not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and are committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament. CTBTO will be attending the Preparatory Commissions for the Review Conference, and the 2005 NPT Review Conference itself.

Ambassador Molnar, a lawyer by profession, has served with the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1989. He has served, inter alia, as Deputy Representative of Hungary in the United Nations Security Council (1992-93), Ministerial Commissioner for Non-proliferation and Arms Control in the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as Consul General of the Republic of Hungary in New York. He is currently Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations in New York.