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International Monitoring System Network Management Room

Under the terms of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, a global verification regime to monitor compliance with the Treaty must be operational at entry into force. Preparations for this regime are underway, including the development of computer systems, procedures and infrastructure for coordinated operations.
In order to support staff working on operational issues, an International Monitoring System Network Management Room has been established to serve as the physical location for managing operational issues between the station operators and the Provisional Technical Secretariat. The facility includes three large plasma TV screens with capabilities for displaying incoming raw data and Remote State-of-Health surveillance of the IMS equipment. The room also includes a single telephone number with conferencing, forwarding and voicemail facilities (including a video option), a single fax number, Voice over IP (VoIP) via the Global Communications Infrastructure and a generic email address. It also provides a convenient point for interdisciplinary groups of Secretariat staff to meet for discussions in an atmosphere conducive to collective problem solving.