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International Monitoring System station certifications in 2003

The number of certified International Monitoring System (IMS) facilities rose to 83 during 2003, with 36 new stations officially becoming part of the IMS. This figure includes nine primary seismic stations, five auxiliary seismic stations, one hydroacoustic station, seven infrasound stations, eleven radionuclide stations and three radionuclide laboratories.

PS14, El Rosal, Colombia, Certified 31 July 2003

Certification is an important step in building IMS stations. It takes place when the station has been shown to meet all Preparatory Commission technical specifications and is sending reliable data to the International Data Centre.

The facilities certified in 2003 are on the territories of Argentina (AS02), Australia (PS05, IS05, RN08), Bolivia (PS06), Brazil (PS07, IS09, RN11), Canada (PS08, PS10, RN16), Chile (HA03, RN18, RN19), Colombia (PS14), Cook Islands (AS24), Denmark (IS18), Finland (RL07), France (RL08, IS22), Iceland (RN34), Jordan (AS56), Mongolia (PS25, RN45), New Zealand (RL12), Norway (RN49), Papua New Guinea (RN51), Paraguay (PS30, IS41), Romania (AS81), Switzerland (AS102), Turkey (PS43) and the United States of America (IS53, IS55, RN70, RN74).

RN51, Kavieng, Papua New Guinea, Certified 26 May 2003

AS102, Davos, Switzerland, Certified 22 August 2003