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Interregional workshop for CTBTO International Cooperation and National Implementation/Ratification Procedures

The Inter-regional Workshop for CTBTO International Cooperation and National Implementation/Ratification Procedures was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 21 to 24 May 2001, with the strong support of the Turkish Government. Sixty-one participants from thirty-eight States, including two non-Signatory States and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), took part in the Workshop. Participants reviewed and discussed a wide range of topics mainly focussing on ways and means to advance the signature/ratification processes, as well as measures for national implementation and the early entry into force of the Treaty. They also discussed ways and means through which States can promote regional, inter-regional and international cooperation in CTBT verification-related technologies. They reviewed the benefits that can be derived from the application of these technologies for other scientific and civil uses, in accordance with Treaty stipulations and the decisions of the Preparatory Commission.

The Secretariat expresses its deep appreciation to the Government of Turkey for hosting the workshop; to States, for participation in the workshop, to the speakers and discussion initiators and all participants for their active contributions, thus making the workshop a useful and productive exercise. An Information Note (CTBT/PTS/INF.427) issued on 8 June 2001 covers in more detail the results of the Workshop including its summary report, list of participants and programme outline. The presentations delivered at Istanbul will be made available in electronic form on a CD. A booklet comprising all relevant workshop documents will also be available for distribution in the near future.