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Joint ER/IMS mission to Cameroon

A joint mission to Cameroon by External Relations and the International Monitoring System Division has taken place from 26 to 28 August. The mission was organized by Cameroon's Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research of Cameroon.

The delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Delegate Minister of Foreign Affairs and other high level authorities in order to discuss the advancement of the national process for the Treaty's ratification as well as the model Facility Agreement. The benefits of the technologies used in the International Monitoring System were mentioned. The Cameroonians requested support to prepare a political statement to move the Treaty forward at the National Assembly. They expressed that there is no political or legal impediment to ratifying the Treaty.

The delegation visited some potential sites which possibly could host the IMS radionuclide station in Cameroon. The delegation was received by the new Minister of Scientific and Technical Research in a special audience, who offered his strong support to initiate the technical work. He also confirmed his government's intention to designate the Institute of Geological and Mining Research as the technical operator of the station. In a meeting with the Director of the Geological and Mining Research Institute, the terms of reference for the site survey were formally presented, and an offer for local experts training as well as support to build up the National Data Centre was stressed by the PTS delegation.