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Minister of Environment and Nature of Mongolia visits the PTS

His Excellency Barsbold Ulambayar, the Minister of Environment and Nature of Mongolia, paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO on 16 January 2004. Minister Ulambayar emphasized Mongolia's support for the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. He noted Mongolia's appreciation for the work of the Provisional Technical Secretariat in his country, and said that the data gathered in the International Data Centre is important to Mongolia for security, civil and scientific purposes. The Executive Secretary, Mr. Hoffmann, referred to the existing good relations between the PTS and Mongolia, and stated that the building of the International Monitoring System stations in Mongolia was considered to be of much benefit to the country in scientific, technical and financial terms. He encouraged the participation of Mongolian nationals in the forthcoming Regional Training Course for Analysts in Asia. The Minister then toured the facilities of the International Data Centre.

H.E. Barsbold Ulambayar, the Minister of Environment and Nature of Mongolia (left), signs CTBTO guest book, while Executive Secretary Hoffmann (right) looks on