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National Seminar on the CTBT held in Azerbaijan

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized a National Seminar on Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty from 4 - 6 June 2002. The objective of the Seminar was to identify ways to further strengthen the national capacity of the Republic of Azerbaijan to implement the Treaty commitments, and to explore new areas for expanding cooperation under the Treaty. The Seminar drew high attention from the Government decision-making organs as well as from scientific institutions whose representatives participated in the Seminar. At the request of the Government of Azerbaijan, the Provisional Technical Secretariat sent two representatives to participate in the National Seminar, to deliver presentations and provide relevant documents on the issues covered by the Seminar. The Government of the Republic of Korea also sent one representative to support the Seminar. The Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Treaty on 29 July, 1997 and ratified it on 2 February, 1999. The Seminar demonstrates the continued interest and efforts of Azerbaijan in enhancing understanding of the Treaty and its effective implementation.