Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at [email protected]

New look for the web site

Regular visitors to the web site of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission will notice that it has been given a new look. It is now using a new suite of colours, a new font, Verdana, and a new picture style. The structure of the site remains the same, although we have added a new section entitled 'Who we are', as well as a special area for accreditations.

The emblem has also changed slightly, and the logo consists of the emblem together with the lettering 'CTBTO' and 'Preparatory Commission'. In the extended version of the logo, the words 'Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization' also appear to the right. The logo is always placed on a special background colour, Seafoam.

The new colour palette is comprised of rich, natural colours, and lines and edges throughout the site have been made straighter and more functional in appearance. The changes are intended to reflect more accurately the Organization's strong technical and scientific focus, as well as the gravity of the themes with which it deals.