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Norwegian voluntary contribution facilitates information visit

The final tranche of a voluntary contribution from the Government of Norway has been used to support an information visit by Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania to the CTBTO Headquarters in Vienna. The Norwegian contribution, offered to support of Treaty-related international cooperation activities and to facilitate understanding of the Treaty regime and the work of the Preparatory Commission, has already made possible an information visit for representatives from two African States in April 2003.
The 2004 information visit took place from 8 to 10 March 2004, and was attended by H.E. Mrs Zabein Mhita, Deputy Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Tanzania; Mr Titus Mteleka, Director for Technology of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Tanzania; Ambassador Zemede Tekle, Eritrean Ambassador in Berlin; and Mr Hassan Hamid Hassan, Second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Sudan in New York, in charge of disarmament issues. The visit was organized by International Cooperation in collaboration with the International Monitoring System Division. The information visit aimed to enhance awareness of the significance of the Treaty and to support the establishment of International Monitoring System stations. The participants attended the first two and a half days of the Introductory Course for Station Operators and National Data Centre Managers which was being held during this period at the Vienna International Centre. This provided them with a useful overview of the work of the Commission, together with the opportunity to interact with other country representatives attending the Course. In addition, the participants met the Executive Secretary and held individual meetings with staff from the Secretariat on specific matters of concern to their individual States. The participants also visited the facilities of the International Data Centre.