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Planning underway for 2002 on-site inspection (OSI) field experiment

The Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) is preparing for the 2002 on-site inspection (OSI) field experiment. The experiment will take place during the second half of 2002, and will test the procedures and methodologies for launching and conducting the initial phase of an OSI. As would be likely in a real OSI, the 2002 field experiment will occur in a somewhat remote location. The host country is yet to be determined. The surrogate Inspection Team is expected to consist of some 25 technical experts who will examine a surrogate Inspection Area of around 300 to 400 square kilometers. The field experiment will last between ten and fourteen days, and will test all available technologies and techniques used in the initital phase of an OSI. To carry out the OSI, the Provisional Technical Secretariat will need assistance from knowledgeable technical experts specializing in field seismology, field environmental and radionuclide detection, geology/geophysics and health and safety operations in remote field conditions. A Note Verbale requesting States Signatories to nominate technical experts to serve as members of the surrogate Inspection Team for the 2002 field experiment was sent to all States Signatories on 14 January 2002. Nominations should be returned to the Provisional Technical Secretariat no later than March 10, 2002, marked for the attention of Ms. Petra Breinreich (Fax: + 43-1-26030-5926, email: [email protected] ). The exact time and location of the field experiment will be announced following the completion of the next phase of negotiations with the host country.