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Voluntary contribution from the Netherlands supports training activities

An Exchange of Letters was concluded today between the Government of the Netherlands and the CTBTO Preparatory Commission for a voluntary contribution from the Netherlands of €15,900. Ambassador Jaap Ramaker signed on behalf of the Netherlands. Mr. D. J. Kop, Counsellor, was also present at the ceremony. The funds will be used to support information visit programmes for senior decision makers and scientific representatives from developing States. This programme will allow one non-ratifying Annex 2 State from Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and two non-signatory States from the Pacific (Palau, Tonga) to attend a four day briefing in Vienna. The objective is to enhance Treaty understanding with a view to promoting signature and ratification of the Treaty. The programme will be implemented in the first half of 2003. This is not the first time the Netherlands has supported such programmes. A similar Exchange of Letters between the Netherlands and the Preparatory Commission also took place in November 2001, which facilitated the participation of four experts from two developing States in information programmes designed to support the early establishment and operation of International Monitoring System (IMS) stations in the relevant regions. Since then, the Government of Norway has also made a voluntary contribution to support training activities.