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Science and Technology Conference, 2011

To build and strengthen its relationship with the broader science community in support of the Treaty, the CTBTO invited the community to a scientific conference CTBT: Science and Technology 2011 (S&T2011), which was held from 8 to10 June 2011 at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria.

This multidisciplinary scientific conference, designed to foster partnerships on many levels, attracted working scientists and technologists, science administrators, scientific representatives to the CTBTO's policy-making organs, and representatives of agencies that fund research and development in areas potentially relevant to the Treaty's verification system.

Conference Goals

The three major goals of the conference were to:

  1. Discuss advances in science and technology relevant to test ban verification.     
  2. Explore scientific applications of the CTBT verification infrastructure.
  3. Encourage partnerships and knowledge exchange between the CTBTO and the broader scientific community.

Conference Themes

  1. The Earth as a complex system
  2. Understanding the nuclear explosion source
  3. Advances in sensors, networks and observational technologies
  4. Advances in computing, processing and visualization for verification applications
  5. Creating knowledge through partnerships, training and information / communication technology

Conference Schedule

CTBT: Science and Technology 2011
  OPENING Day: morning session
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Message from the United Nations Secretary-General: HE Mr Ban Ki-moon

Opening remarks by HE Dr Michael Spindelegger, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria 

Opening remarks by HE Mr Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test- Ban Treaty Organization

Welcome by Dr Lassina Zerbo, Director, International Data Centre Division, CTBTO and Project Executive for the CTBT: S&T 2011 Conference

Children’s Choir of the American International School in Vienna

Key note lecture on "The Scientific Roots and Prospects for the CTBTO and the International Monitoring System" by Dr Richard L. Garwin, IBM Fellow Emeritus 

Key note lecture on "Earth and Lunar Science - Interaction Between Basic Science and Public Need" by Dr David Strangway, President emeritus of the University of British Columbia and of the Canada Foundation for Innovation 

Discussions moderated by Prof Raymond Jeanloz, US National Academy of Sciences and Department of Astronomy and Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkley 

Announcements on the Programme of Work

  OPENING Day: afternoon session
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM T1-O2. Rupture dynamics of large earthquakes inferred from hydroacoustic data
Catherine de Groot-Hedlin

T1-O9. Next-level shake zoning for modeling seismicwave propagation in the U.S. Intermountain West John N. Louie

T1-O10. Ground motion studies for critical sites in north-east Bangladesh
Tahmeed Malik Al-Hussaini, M.Nayeem Al-Noman

T1-O11. Prediction of aftershocks distribution using artificial neural networks
Mostafa AllamehZadeh

T1-O13. Seismicity and seismic hazard assessment of the arid western regions of South Africa
Hlompho Malephane

T1-O14. Crustal thickness and average VP/VS ratio variations in northern Viet Nam from teleseismic receiver function analysis
Van Duong Nguyen, Bor-Shouh Huang, Tu-Son Le, Van-Toan Dinh

Coffee break
  OPENING Day: afternoon session cont.
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM T1-O15. Scattering and intrinsic attenuation structure in Central Anatolia, Turkey using BRTR (PS-43) array data
Korhan Umut Semin, Nurcan Meral Ozel

T1-O16. Detection of earthquake hazard in southwest peninsular India – Spurt of various unusual geological incidents
D. Shanker, H. N. Singh, John Matha, V. N. Neelakandan, A. Kumar

T1-O17. Upper crust structure under CTBTO station “Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky” by endogenic microseismic activity
Yulia Kugaenko, Vadim Saltykov, Victor Chebrov

T4-O1. Distributed e-infrastructures for data intensive science
Robert Jones

T4-O8. Anomalous infrasound propagation through the dynamic stratosphere
Läslo Evers, Anton Van Geyt, Pieter Smets, Julius Fricke

T4-O12. Analysis of classification possibility infrasound signals from different sources based on correlation ability
Sergey Kulichkov, Alexei Chulichkov, Nadezhda Tsybulskaya

T4-O10. A statistical framework for operational infra­sound monitoring
Stephen Arrowsmith, Rod Whitaker

CTBT: Science and Technology 2011
  OPENING Day: afternoon session
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Theme 2 Introductory Remarks

Mr Oleg Rozhkov
Director, On-Site Inspection Division, CTBTO

T2-O1. Understanding the radionuclide source term for underground nuclear explosions
Harry Miley

T2-O2. The global atmospheric noble gas background
Anders Ringbom

T2-O12. Medical isotopes studies
Judah Friese, Rosara Payne

T2-O10. Temporal evolution of the radioxenon signature from underground nuclear explosions
Martin Kalinowski
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM T2-O6. Analysis of fission products in air samples due to nuclear explosion source
Abdus Sattar Mollah

T2-O9. Effects of non-isotropic explosion sources upon the utility of the Ms-mb discriminant
Paul G. Richards

T2-O4. Numerical experiments on explosions triggering earthquakes
Luis Angel Dalguer, Florian Haslinger, Seok Goo Song, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Domenico Giardini

T2-O7. Modelling of elastic waves generated by a point explosion
Zurab Kereselidze, Nino Tsereeli

T2-O11. Seismo-acoustic energy partitioning from shallow and surface explosions
Jessie Bonner et al.

T2-O8. The source time function of an explosive source
Anton Ziolkowski

T2-O3. New and novel technologies for CTBT radionuclide measurement and analysis
Harri Toivonen

T2-O13. The IAEA Department of Safeguards: Crossover novel technologies
Andrew Monteith, Julian Whichello