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2009 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban TreatyUnited Nations, New York, USA

Conference date and time

Thursday, 24 September 2009  
Opening Session 8 AM - 8:30 AM 
Morning Session 11 AM - 1 PM
Afternoon Session 3 PM - 6 PM

Friday, 25 September 2009
Morning Session 10 AM - 1 PM

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Thursday, 24 September 2009  
Opening Session 8 AM - 8:30 AM 

No. State Speaker
1. United Nations
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General
2. Presidency, Austria
H.E. Michael Spindelegger,
Federal Minister for International and European Affairs
3. Presidency, Costa Rica H.E. Mr Bruno Stagno UGARTE,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
4. France
[PDF] French
H.E. Bernard Kouchner
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
5. Morocco
H.E. Taib Fassi Fihri,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
6. UN Messenger of Peace
Michael Douglas

Morning Session 11 AM - 1 PM

No. State Speaker
1. United States of America
H.E. Ms. Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State
2. Sweden (on behalf of the European Union)
H.E. Mr. Carl Bildt
Minister for Foreign Affairs
3. Luxembourg
[PDF] in French
H.E. M. Jean Asselborn
Vice Prime Minister
4. Marshall Islands
H.E. Mr. John Silk
Minister for Foreign Affairs
5. Kazakhstan
H.E. Mr. Kanat Saudabayev
Secretary of State and
Minister of Foreign Affairs
6. Romania
H.E. Mr. Cristian Diaconescu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
7. Liechtenstein
H.E. Ms. Aurelia Frick
Minister of Foreign Affairs
8. Belgium
H.E. Mr. Yves Leterme
Minister of Foreign Affairs
9. Russian Federation
H.E. Mr. Sergey A. Riabkov
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
10. Czech Republic
H.E. Ms. Helena Bambasova
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
11. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization [PDF]
H.E. Mr Tibor TÓTH,
Executive Secretary
12. Progress Report: Coordinator
13. Progress Report: Coordinator
(Costa Rica)
14. Progress Report: Special Representative [PDF] H.E. Mr. Jaap RAMAKER,
Special Representative to promote the ratification process of the CTBT

Afternoon Session 3 PM - 6 PM

No. State Speaker
1. Japan
H.E. Mr. Katsuya Okada
Minister of Foreign Affairs
2. Philippines
H.E. Dr. Alberto G. Romulo
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
3. Bulgaria
H.E. Ms. Rumiana Jeleva
Minister of Foreign Affairs
4. Croatia
H.E. Mr. Gordan Jandroković
Minister of Foreign Affairs
5. Canada
[PDF] English and French
H.E. Mr. Lawrence Cannon
Minister of Foreign Affairs
6. New Zealand
H.E. Mr. Murray McCully
Minister of Foreign Affairs
7. Hungary
H.E. Mr. Peter Balázs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
8. Belarus
H.E. Mr. Sergei N. Martynov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
9. Australia H.E. Mr. Stephen Smith
Minister for Foreign Affairs
10. The Netherlands
H.E. Mr. Maxime J. M. Verhagen
Minister of Foreign Affairs
11. Slovakia
H.E. Mr. Mroslav Lajčák
Minister of Foreign affairs
12. Republic of Korea
H.E. Mr. Yu Myung-hwan
Minister of Foreign Affairs
13. Holy See
H.E. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti
Secretary for Relations with States
14. Bangladesh H.E. Dr. Dipu Moni
Minister of Foreign Affairs
15. Turkey
H.E. Mr. Ünal Çeviköz
Deputy Undersecretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
16. Slovenia
H.E. Mr. Samuel Žbogar
Minister of Foreign Affairs
17. Ukraine
H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Khandogiy
Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs
18. United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
H.E. Mr. Ivan Lewis
Member of Parliament
Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
19. Peru
H.E. Mrs. Luzmila Zanabra
Ambassador, Under-Secretary-General for
Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
20. Italy
H.E. Mr. Vincenzo Scotti
Undersecretary of State
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
21. China
H.E. Mr. Cheng Jingye
Ambassador, Director-General of the
Department of Arms Control and Disarmament,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
22. Norway
H.E. Mr. Morten Wetland
Permanent Representative of Norway
to the United Nations
23. Uzbekistan
H.E. Mr. Murad Askarov
Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan
to the United Nations
24. Switzerland
H.E. Mr. Peter Maurer
Permanent Representative of Switzerland
to the United Nations
25. Indonesia
H.E. Mr. R. M. Marty M. Natalegawa
Permanent Representative of Indonesia
to the United Nations
26. Israel
H.E. Mr. David Danieli
Ambassador, Director General (Policy)
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
27. South Africa (name to be confirmed)

Friday, 25 September 2009
Morning Session 10 AM - 1 PM

No. State Speaker
1. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia H.E. Mr. Antonio Milososki
Minister of Foreign Affairs
2. Algeria
[PDF] French
H.E. Mr. Mourad Medelci
Minister of Foreign Affairs
3. El Salvador
[PDF] Spanish
H.E. Mr. Hugo Martinez
Minister of Foreign Affairs
4. Ireland
H.E. Mr. Peter Power
Minister of State for Overseas Development
5. Spain H.E. Mr. Angel Lossada
First Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs
6. Mexico
[PDF] Spanish
H.E. Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo
Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs
7. Mongolia
H.E. Mr. Bolor Bayarbaatar
Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
8. Vietnam H.E. Mr. Le Luong Minh
Permament Representative of Vietnam
to the United Nations
9. Tunisia
H.E. Mr. Mokhtar Chaouachi
Minister Plenipotentiary,
Director General of the Department of
International Organizations and Conferences
10. Montenegro H.E. Mr. Milorad Ščepanovič
Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs
11. Egypt
H.E. Mr. Maged A. Abdelaziz
Permanent Representative of Egypt
to the United Nations
12. United Arab Emirates
H.E. Mr. Hamad Al Kaabi
Permanent Representative to the IAEA
13. Brazil H.E. Ms. Vera Machado
Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs
14. Qatar
H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al-Hamadi
Director of Legal Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15. Nigeria
H.E. Mr. R.B.W. Onemola
Deputy Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of Nigeria
to the United Nations
16. Colombia H.E. Mrs. Adriana Mejia
Deputy Minister for Multilateral Affairs
17. NGO
Ms Jessica Matthews,
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Conference Material

  1. Report of the Conference
    including Final Declaration ( PDF ) Arabic  | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  2. Final Declaration and measures
    to promote the Entry Into Force
    of the Comprehensive
    Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  3. List of Speakers as of 25 Sept. 2009 ( PDF )
  4. Draft Provisional Agenda Rev.2 ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  5. Time and Access to the Conference ( PDF )
  6. Draft Rules of Procedure ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  7. Information for Participants at the Conference ( PDF )
  8. Official background paper ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  9. Activities undertaken by signatory
    and ratifying states under
    measure (j) ... ( PDF )


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article. The sixth Article XIV conference will take place on 24 September 2009.