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2011 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban TreatyUnited Nations, New York, USA

Conference date and time

Friday, 23 September 2011
10am - 4pm


Morning and afternoon sessions on video


Image Gallery



  State Speaker
1 France
HE Mr. Alain Marie Juppé
Minister of Foreign Affairs
2 Morocco
HE Mr. Taib Fassi Fihri
Minister of Foreign Affairs
3 Mexico
HE Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano
Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
4 Poland
(on behalf of the European Union)
HE Mr. Jacek Najder
Under Secretary of State
5 Austria
HE Mr. Michael Spindelegger
Federal Minister for European
and International Affairs
6 Ireland
HE Mr. Eamon Gilmore
Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister)
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
7 Luxembourg
HE Mr. Jean Asselborn
Deputy Prime-Minister
Minister for Foreign Affairs
8 Netherlands
HE Mr. Uri Rosenthal
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vice-President (AFC)
9 Australia
HE Mr. Kevin Rudd
Minister of Foreign Affairs, MP
10 Germany
HE Mr. Guido Westerwelle
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
11 United Nations
Mr. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General
12 Sweden (Presidency)
HE Mr. Carl Bildt
Minister for Foreign Affairs
13 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization
HE Mr. Tibor Tóth
Executive Secretary
14 Viet Nam
HE Mr. Pham Binh Minh
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vice-President (AFC)
15 Czech Republic
HE Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg
First Deputy Prime-Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs
16 Mongolia
Mr. Zandanshatar Gombojan
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
17 Kyrgyzstan
HE Mr. Ruslan Kazakbaev
Minister of Foreign Affairs
18 United States
HE Ms. Ellen Tauscher
Under Secretary for Arms Control
& International Security
19 Ukraine
HE Mr. Kostyantyn Gryshchenko
Minister of Foreign Affairs
20 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
HE Mr. Nikola Poposki
Minister of Foreign Affairs
21 Japan
HE Mr. Koichiro Gemba
Minister of Foreign Affairs
22 Bosnia and Herzegovina
HE Mr. Sven Alkalaj
Minister of Foreign Affairs
23 Greece
HE Mr. Michael Christos Diamessis
Ambassador, Director
Directorate for the United Nations,
International Organizations & Conferences
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
24 South Africa
HE Ambassador Abdul Samad Minty
Permanent Representative Of South Africa To The United Nations
At Geneva And International Organisation In Switzerland
25 Italy
HE Mr. Vincenzo Scotti
Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs
26 Canada
HE Ms. Kerry Buck
Department of Foreign Affairs
27 Brazil
HE Ms. Vera Machado
Under Secretary General
for Political Affairs
28 Turkey
HE Mr. Ömer Tüzel
Deputy Director-General for Arms
Control & Disarmament
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
29 Hungary
Mr. Péter Sztáray
Deputy State Secretary of Security Polic
  State Speaker
30 Indonesia
HE Mr. Marty M. Natalegawa
Minister of Foreign Affairs
31 Kazakhstan
HE Mr. Yerzhan Kazykhanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
32 Norway
HE Mr. Espen Barth Eide
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
33 Peru
[PDF - Spanish] 
Mr. Alexis Aquino
Permanent Mission of Peru to the
to the United Nations
34 Belarus
[PDF - Russian] 
HE Mr. Valentin Rybakov
Assistant to the President
35 Colombia
Ms. Patti Londorso
Deputy Minister for Multilateral Affairs
36 Progress Report Part I: France
[PDF - French] 
Mr. Martin Briens,
Deputy Permanent Representative
37 Algeria
[PDF - French] 
HE Mr. Mourad Medelci
Minister of Foreign Affairs
38 Progress Report Part II: Morocco
[PDF - French] 
Mr. Azzedine Farhane
Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
39 Slovenia
HE Mr. Samuel Žbogar
Minister of Foreign Affairs
40 Bulgaria
HE Mr. Dimitar Tzantchev
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
41 Slovakia
HE Mr. Milan Ježovica
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
42 Romania
HE Mr. Doru Costea
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
43 Israel
HE Mr. Daniel Ayalon
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
44 Russian Federation
HE Mr. Sergey Ryabkov
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
45 Republic of Korea
HE Mr. Kim Bong-hyun
Deputy Minister for Multilateral
& Global Affairs
46 Croatia
HE Mr. Mario Nobilo
State Secretary for Political Affairs
47 Switzerland
HE Mr. Paul Seger
Permanent Representative
48 Costa Rica
HE Mr. Eduardo Ulibarri
Permanent Representative
49 Philippines
HE Mr. Libran N. Cabactulan
Permanent Representative
50 New Zealand
HE Mr. Jim McLay
Permanent Representative
51 United Kingdom
HE Mr. Alistair Burt, MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
52 Lithuania
HE Mr. Dalius Cekuolis
Permanent Representative
53 Chile
[PDF - Spanish] 
HE Mr. Milenko Skoknic
Ambassador, Chef de Cabinet
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
54 Spain
HE Mr. Santiago Cabanas
Director General for Foreign Policy
European Affairs & International Security
55 Liechtenstein
HE Ambassador Martin Frick
Director of the Office for Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Liechtenstein
56 Portugal
Mr. Almeida Ribeiro
Permanent Mission of Portugal to the U.N.
57 Burkina Faso
[PDF - French] 
HE Mr. Paul Robert Tiendrebeogo
Permanent Representative
58 Jordan
HE Ms. Saja Al Majali
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
59 Egypt
Mr. Amr Aljowaily
Counselor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, New York
60 Finland
Ms. Satu Suikkari-Kleven
Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
61 China
Mr. Zhang Jun"an
Permanent Mission of the People’s
Republic of China to the United Nations
62 Joint Statement by Non-Governmental Organizations
Dr. Togzhan Kassenova, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Conference Material

  1. Final Declaration and measures
    to promote the Entry Into Force
    of the Comprehensive
    Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ( PDF )
  2. Draft Rules of Procedure ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  3. Draft Provisional Agenda ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  4. Information for Participants
    at the Conference ( PDF )
  5. Information for Participants at
    the Conference - Corrigendum ( PDF )
  6. Procedural and Organizational Matters ( PDF )
  7. Official background paper ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  8. Activities Undertaken by Signatory
    and Ratifying States ( PDF )
  9. List of Non-Governmental Organizations ( PDF )


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article. The seventh Article XIV conference will take place on the 23rd of September 2011.



Press Release - 23 September 2011

CTBT needs to be in force to free the world of nuclear weapons

Press Release - 23 September 2011

Urgent calls by international leadersto bring test ban treaty in force

Highlight - 4 August 2011

Conference to rally support for CTBT's entry into force

Media pick-up - 27 September 2011

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