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2013 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive-Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty United Nations, New York, USA

Conference date and time

Friday, 27 September 2013
Article XIV Session 10:00am - 18:00pm


Morning and afternoon sessions on video



Gallery of images



  State Speaker
1 United Nations
[HTML Link]
Mr. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General
2 Indonesia
HE Mr. Marty M. Natalegawa
Foreign Minister
Co-President (AFC)
3 Hungary
HE Dr. Janos Martonyi
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary
Co-President (AFC)
4 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
HE Dr. Lassina Zerbro
Executive Secretary
5 European Union
(Lithuania, on behalf of)
HE Mr. Linas Linkevicius
Minister of Foreign Affairs
6 Slovak Republic
HE Mr. Miroslav Lajcak
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
7 Slovenia
HE Mr. Karl Erjavec
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
8 Ireland
HE Mr Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore
TD Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
9 Australia
HE Mr. Peter Woolcott
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva
10 Finland
HE Mr. Erkki Tuomioja
Minister for Foreign Affairs
11 Burkina Faso
[PDF - French]
HE Mr. Djibrill Yipene Bassole
Minister of Foreign Affairs
12 Kazakhstan
HE Mr. Erlan Idrissov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
13 Norway
HE Mr. Espen Barth Eide
Minister of Foreign Affairs
14 Japan
HE Mr. Fumio Kishida
Minister of Foreign Affairs
15 Turkey
HE Mr. K. Nilvana Darama
Deputy Director General for the OSCE, Arms Control and Disarmament to the Article XIV Conference.
16 Argentina
[PDF] [Spanish]
HE Mr. Hector Marcos Timerman
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship
17 United States
HE Ms. Rose E. Gottemoeller
Acting Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security
18 Austria
HE Mr. Johannes Kyrle
Ambassador, Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs
19 Germany
HE Ambassador Mr. Rolf Nikel
Federal Government Commissioner for Arms Control and Disarmament German Foreign Office
  State Speaker
20 Iraq
[PDF] [Arabic]
HE Mr. Hoshyar Zebari
Minister of Foreign Affairs
21 Netherlands HE Dr. Frans Timmermans
Minister of Foreign Affairs
22 Romania
HE Mr. Titus Corlatean
Minister for Foreign Affairs
23 Denmark
HE Mr. Villy Sovndal
Minister for Foreign Affairs
24 Bangladesh
HE Dr. Dipu Moni, MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
25 Costa Rica
[PDF] [Spanish]
HE Mr. Enrique Castillo-Barrentes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
26 Ukraine
HE Mr. Leonid Kozhara
Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 Republic of Korea
HE Mr. Shin Dong-Ik
Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
28 Morocco HE Mr. Saad Dine El Otmani
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
29 Algeria
[PDF - French]
HE Mr. Mourad Medelci
Minister of Foreign Affairs
30 Trinidad and Tobago
HE Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie
Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development
31 Philippines
HE Mr. Evan P. Garcia
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
32 Italy
HE Mr. Lapo Pistelli
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
33 Spain
[PDF] [Spanish]
HE Mr. Gonzalo de Benito Secades
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs
34 Guatemala
[PDF - Spanish]
HE Mr. Carlos Raul Morales
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
35 Canada
[PDF] [French]
HE Mr. Deepak Obhrai
Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Human Rights
36 United Kingdom
HE Mr. Alistair Burt, MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Foreign and Commonwealth Office
37 Belarus
[PDF] [Russian]
HE Mr. Vladimir Makei
Minister of Foreign Affairs
38 Nigeria
HE Dr. Martin Uhomoibhi
Permanent Secretary, Ministery of Foreign Affairs
39 Libya
[PDF - Arabic]
HE Mr. Ibrahim O. Dabbashi
Permanent Representative to the United Nations
40 Brazil
HE Mr Carlos Antonio Da Rocha Paranhos
Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs
Ministry of External Relations
41 Switzerland HE Mr. Benno Laggner
Ambassador for Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
42 China
Mr. Pang Sen
Director General
Arms Control Department
43 New Zealand
HE Ms. Dell Higgie
Ambassador for Disarmament
44 United Arab Emirates
HE Ambassador Hamad Al Kaabi
Permanent Representative to the IAEA, Vienna
45 Qatar
[PDF] [Arabic]
HE Ambassador Youssef Bin Khalifa Al-Sada
Head of the Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
46 Liechtenstein
HE Ambassador Martin Frick
Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs
47 Israel
HE Mr. David Roet
Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations
48 Russian Federation
[PDF] [Russian]
Mr. Alexey Yu. Karpov
Ambassador, Deputy Director, Department of Security Affairs and Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
49 Kyrgyz Republic
[PDF - Russian]
Mr. Nuran S. Niyazaliev
Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations
50 South Africa
HE Ambassador Mabhogo
Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations in Vienna
51 Egypt
[PDF - Arabic]
Mr. Amr Aljowaily
Counselor, Mission New York
52 France
[PDF] [French]
HE Ambassador Marion Paradas
Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Vienna
53 Chile
[PDF - Spanish]
HE Ambassador Alfredo Garcia
Director, Human Security and Disarmament
54 Malaysia
HE Ambassador Hussein Hanniff
Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations
55 Angola
HE Mrs Maria de Jesus dos Reis Ferreira
Permanent Representative of Angola to the United Nations in Vienna
56 Joint Statement on behalf of Non-Governmental Organizations
Mr. Jonathan Granoff
Global Security Institute on behalf of NGOs

Conference Material

  1. Final Declaration and measures
    to promote the Entry Into Force
    of the Comprehensive
    Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ( PDF )
  2. Draft Rules of Procedure ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  3. Draft Provisional Agenda ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  4. Information for Conference Participants
    ( PDF )
  5. Information for Conference Participants from NGOs ( PDF ) | NGO list ( PDF )
  6. Procedural and Organizational Matters ( PDF )
  7. Official background paper ( PDF ) | Corrigendum to background paper ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  8. Member States’ activities to promote entry into force ( PDF )


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article. The eighth Article XIV conference will take place on 27 September 2013 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA.