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H.E. Mr. KAIFU Atsushi, Chairperson, Preparatory Commission

H.E. Mr. KAIFU Atsushi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, was appointed to serve as Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna in September 2023.

During his career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which he joined in 1988, Ambassador KAIFU has served in various capacities. Some of the recent ones include: Ambassador, Director-General of the Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department in 2021; Chief of Protocol at the Minister’s Secretariat in 2020; Deputy Foreign Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau at the Minister’s Secretariat in 2019.

During Ambassador KAIFU’s diplomatic career, spanning more than three decades, he has served in various capitals around the world, including Washington, Vienna and Berlin.

He has acquired extensive experience in national security affairs and legal affairs. He has held senior level positions in the Asian and Oceanic Affairs Bureau, the International Legal Affairs Bureau, the European Affairs Bureau, the Foreign Policy Bureau, the North American Affairs Bureau, and the Asian Affairs Bureau.

In December 2023, Ambassador KAIFU was appointed as the Chair of the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO. In this role, he intends to further contribute to nuclear disarmament efforts.

Ambassador KAIFU received a Bachelor of Law Degree from Hitotsubashi University, Japan.