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Hydroacoustic Training Course for National Data Centres (NDCs) with a Focus on Data Analysis

This training program combines face-to-face sessions with online learning activities, creating a blended approach that leverages the strengths of both methods. Participants should attend all phases to successfully complete the program.

Vienna International Centre (Vienna, Austria ) and online 


Online    19- 20 August 2024
In- person 4 - 6 September 2024
Written assessment To be completed by 30 September 2024
E-mentoring      December (exact dates TBD)


The working language will be English


  • Understand the basic principles and concepts of hydroacoustic.
  • Learn about the application areas and significance of hydroacoustic data.
  • Acquire proficiency in processing and analyzing hydroacoustic data using NDC-in-a-Box.
  • Develop skills to interpret hydroacoustic data accurately.
  • Apply hydroacoustic techniques to practical scenarios


Online Training Course from 19 and 20 August 2024 

  • Objective: Introduction to NDC in a box and basic information to prepare for the main course at VIC. 
  • Delivery: Online.
  • Content: Participants will learn basic concepts and fundamentals through e-learning lessons, assess their knowledge with online quizzes, and engage in facilitated online discussions.

Bridge Period

  • Objective: Support participants in completing their preparation before the face-to-face (F2F) component.
  • Delivery: Online 

In-Person Training Course 

  • Objectives: Understanding hydroacoustic principles, processing and analyzing hydroacoustic data, and practical application.
  • Delivery: In-person sessions covering hydroacoustic network, theory, hands-on activities, and a final discussion.

Written Assessment

  • Objective: Evaluate participants' understanding within 3 weeks after the F2F training.
  • Delivery: Participants will complete a written assessment to measure the achievement of intended learning objectives. The assessment will be available for participants to complete within 3 weeks after the end of the F2F training course.

E- Mentoring

  • Objective: Encourage learners to apply acquired skills and share challenges, doubts and issues that they are facing.
  • Delivery: Online mentoring phase to support participants in real-world applications.


  • NDC technical staff and analysts, preferably authorized users (Principal or Regular);
  • Experience in waveform data analysis and/or similar experience related to nuclear test ban verification;
  • Seismologists with an advanced degree who operate or have access to regional and local seismic network data and the means of processing that data to provide accurate phase pick information;
  • Basic knowledge of the Linux operating system and SQL is desirable;

NDC technical staff are invited to submit their applications for this training through established official channels (their Permanent Missions to the CTBTO or Ministries of Foreign Affairs) and use the provided application form and submit by the application deadline of 22 March 2024: 

Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified subsequently. 

However, pending the official nomination, participants may email the registration form upon its approval by a director of the institution, to allow timely travel and accommodation arrangements by the PTS.

Note: Applicants are encouraged to also consider applying to the International Hydroacoustics Workshop 2024 

Applicable to the in-person element of this training

In accordance with the Staff regulations and rules and Administrative Directives, the PTS will provide the following:

A round-trip ticket to Vienna on the most direct and economic route;

  • Funded participants are not allowed to purchase their own tickets unless, under exceptional circumstances, they are authorized to do so in advance, and only if this proves to be the most cost effective option for the PTS;
  • The PTS will book a hotel and cover the costs for the accommodation. Training participants will receive relevant portion of the Daily Subsistence Allowance (per-diem) via bank transfer upon arrival to the first day of the training course; and
  • Health and accident insurance will be provided for the duration of the training, including travel days.


For the in-person portion of the training, participants should apply for visas, if needed, at the corresponding consular office upon receipt of an Acceptance Note Verbale from the PTS, in order to ensure timely processing. 


Point of Contact

Capacity Building and Training Section (IDC/CBT)
International Data Centre Division
CTBTO Preparatory Commission 
P.O. Box 1200, A-1400 
Vienna, Austria 
Tel:  +43 1 26030 6132
Email: [email protected]