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NDC Advanced Training on Infrasound Data Analysis

Government of France
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) 

Bruyères-le-Châtel, France

23 - 27 September 2024

The working language will be English 


  • To improve the knowledge on infrasound technology and how it can help the verification regime and civil and scientific applications;
  • To refine user skills of infrasound tools available in the NDC-in-a-Box (NiaB) package with processing data from IMS infrasound arrays and other waveform arrays;
  • To learn about the usage of additional tools in NiaB that help enhance analysis of waveform arrays;
  • To stimulate cooperation in infrasound data analysis between NDCs;
  • To promote the exchange of experience and expertise in Infrasound technology among the NDCs.


Presentations and discussions on:

  • IMS data and IDC products and how to access them;
  • DTK-(G)PMCC, advanced configuration and data analysis using data from IMS stations;
  • DTK-DIVA, advance configuration and usage for data analysis;
  • In-depth analysis of infrasound events with hands-on infrasound data analysis, localization of events and event characterization and interpretation;


Applicants should be involved in the use of IMS Data and IDC Products, in particular NDC researchers and analysts, other persons involved in infrasound technology and related fields.

Participation in the Training requires the participant to have a degree in geophysics and/or atmospheric science and/or acoustics; have experience with data processing; and have worked in areas related to SHI technologies. Participation in the Training also requires the participant to have already attended the NDC Infrasound Training, either the regional integrated training and/or intermediate level training.

NDC Technical Staff are requested to fill out the registration form and submit it to the Secretariat (see Point of Contact) by the deadline of 5 June 2024: 

Applications will be reviewed and applicants  notified subsequently. 

However, pending the official nomination, participants may email the registration form upon its approval by a director of the institution, to allow timely travel and accommodation arrangements by the PTS.  

State Signatories wishing to nominate experts are requested to inform the PTS through their respective Permanent Mission. The nomination letters should be sent to the PTS point of contact above, no later than 5 June 2024.

Applicable to PTS-funded participants only

In accordance with the Staff regulations and rules and Administrative Directives, the PTS will provide the to the candidates a daily subsistence allowance (DSA) and financial support to cover the travel costs for the Training. 

  • The DSA will be sufficient to the cover related expenses during the training programme; 
  • The PTS travel agent will reserve, issue and send the flight tickets to the participants for the most direct and economic route;
  • Participants may, under exceptional circumstances, be authorized to purchase their ticket locally, but only if this proves to be most cost effective option for the PTS and has been authorized by the PTS in advance.
  • Health insurance will be provided for the duration of the Training.

Requirement: Scanned passport copies 


Participants should apply for visas, if needed, and as soon as possible, at the corresponding Embassy/Consulate upon receipt of an acceptance letter from the Secretariat in order to ensure timely processing. 

Health/Accident Insurance
It is strongly recommended that prior to departure all non-funded participants should acquire health and accident insurance for the duration of the workshop. 

Point of Contact

Capacity Building and Training Section
International Data Centre Division (IDC/CBT)
CTBTO Preparatory Commission
P.O. Box 1200, A-1400  Vienna, Austria
Tel:  +43 1 26030 6484
Email: [email protected]