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Training Course on NDC Capacity Building: Advanced Training Course on Radionuclide Particulates Data Analysis

This is the announcement of the postponed training from 2023. All selected participants have been informed and no action of application is required.  


Vienna International Centre
Vienna, Austria 

23 September- 4 October 2024 

The working language will be English


  • Understanding the role of National Data Centres (NDC) in the verification regime; 
  • Building and improving the NDC capabilities; 
  • Strengthening the analytical skills of NDCs technical staff on access and analysis of IMS radionuclide data. 


  • Analysis algorithms of particulate spectra;
  • Data downloading and automatic processing;
  • Review of supporting spectral data;
  • Automatic background subtraction;
  • Monte Carlo simulation External IDC database Analysis of complex sample spectra  
  • Test/Final assessment   

Software tools for the training 

  1. iNSPIRE (iNtegrated Software Platform for Interactive Radionuclide rEview) 
  2. GRANDSim (Geant 4 based RAdioNuclide Detector Simulation) 
  3. SqlDeveloper (for external database) 
  4. RNToolkit (web-based application for browsing radionuclide analysis results in IDC operation) 
  5. SWP  

A detailed/final agenda will be distributed in due course.