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2003 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Vienna, Austria


Date and time

Wednesday, 3 September 2003
Morning Session 10:00
Afternoon Session 15:00 

Thursday, 4 September 2003
Morning Session 10:00 

Friday, 5 September 2003
Morning Session 10:00



No. State Speaker
1. United Nations [PDF] Mr. Antonio Maria Costa,
Director General, UNOV
2. Austria [PDF] H.E. Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner,
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
3. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization [PDF]
H.E. Dr. Wolfang Hoffmann,
Executive Secretary
4. Mexico
Español [PDF]
Presentation of a progress report on cooperation to facilitate the entry into force of the Treaty
5. Japan [PDF] H.E. Ms. Yoriko Kawaguchi,
Foreign Minister
6. Turkey [PDF] H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gül,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
7. Italy
(on behalf of EU) [PDF]
Mr. Alfredo Luigi Mantica,
Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Senator
8. Bolivia
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Carlos Saavedra Bruno,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
9. Ukraine [PDF] Mr. Ihor Kharchenko,
Acting Foreign Minister
10. Ireland [PDF] Mr. Tom Kitt,
Minister of State and Department of Foreign Affairs
11. Norway [PDF] Mr. Kim Traavik,
State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12. Cyprus [PDF] H.E. Mr. Sotos Zacheos,
Ambassador, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
13. Greece [PDF] Mr. Ioannis Magriotis,
Deputy Foreign Minister
14. Malaysia
(on behalf of NAM) [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Hussein Haniff,
Permanent Representative


No. State Speaker
1. Croatia [PDF] H.E. Mr. Tonino Picula,
Minster of Foreign Affairs
2. Germany [PDF] Ms. Kerstin Müller,
Minister of State, Foreign Office
3. Republic of Korea [PDF] Mr. Lee Sun-jin,
Deputy Minister for Policy Planning and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
4. United Kingdom [PDF] Rt. Hon. Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean,
Minister of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5. Slovenia [PDF] Ms. Samuel Zbogar,
State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6. Sweden [PDF] Mr. Hans Dahlgren,
State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
7. Czech Republic [PDF] Mr. Jan Kohout, State Secretary for European Affairs and First Deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs
8. Slovakia [PDF] H.E. Mr. Eduard Kukan,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
9. Philippines [PDF] H.E. Mr. Victor G. Garcia III,
Permanent Representative
10. Russian Federation [PDF]
Russian [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Gigory V. Berdennikov,
Permanent Representative
11. Iran (Islamic Republic of) [PDF] H.E. Dr. Gholamali Khoshroo,
Deputy Foreign Minister for International and Legal Affairs
12. Switzerland
Français [PDF]
Ambassador Jean-Jacques de Dardel,
Head of Centre for International Security Policy, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
13. Peru
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Javier Paulinich,
Permanent Representative
14. Poland [PDF] Mr. Slawomir Dabrowa,
Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15. Haiti
Français [PDF]
Ambassador Renald Clerisme,
Special Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
16. Australia [PDF] H.E. Ms. Deborah Stokes,
Permanent Representative
17. France
Français [PDF]
Mr. Renaud Muselier,
Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires Etrangères
18. Algeria [PDF] H.E. Ms. Taous Feroukhi,
Permanent Representative
19. Bangladesh [PDF] H.E. Mr. Toufiq Ali,
Permanent Representative
20. Brazil [PDF] Mr. Enio Cordeiro,
Deputy Permanent Representative
21. Tunisia
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Afif Hendaoui,
Permanent Representative


No. State Speaker
1. Holy See [PDF] Monsignor Pietro Parolin,
Under-Secretary for Relations with States
2. St. Kitts and Nevis [PDF] H.E. Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Education
3. Kazakhstan
Russian [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Rakhat M. Aliyev,
Permanent Representative
4. Canada [PDF]
Français [PDF]
Ms. Aileen Carroll,
M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
5. China [PDF] H.E. Mr. Zhang Yan,
Permanent Representative
6. Myanmar [PDF] H.E. Mr. U Mya Than,
Permanent Representative
7. Bulgaria [PDF] H.E Mr. Ivo Petrov,
Permanent Representative
8. Uzbekistan
Russian [PDF]
Mr. Alisher Kayumov,
Head of Permanent Mission
9. Namibia [PDF] Mr. Joseph Iita,
Permanent Secretary
10. Belarus
Russian [PDF]
Mr. Alyaksandr Sychov,
Deputy Foreign Minister
11. Netherlands [PDF] Mr. Frank Majoor,
Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12. Argentina
Español [PDF]
Mr. Héctor Raúl Peláez,
Counsellor Permanent Representative
13. Jordan
Arabic [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Muhyieddeen Touq,
Permanent Representative
14. Colombia
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Ciro Arevalo,
Deputy Ambassador, Permanent Representative
15. New Zealand [PDF] H.E. Ms. Barbara Bridge,
Permanent Representative
16. Sri Lanka [PDF] H.E. Mr. Dayantha Laksiri Mendis,
Permanent Representative
17. Mongolia [PDF] Mr. Dandar Moonontsagaan,
Chargé d'Affaires, Conusellor
18. Lithuania [PDF] H.E. Mr. Sarunas Adomavicius,
Permanent Representative
19. Serbia and Montenegro [PDF] H.E. Mr. Branislav Milinkovic,
Permanent Representative
20. Kuwait
Arabic [PDF]
H.E. Ms. Nabeela Al - Mulla,
Permanent Representative
21. El Salvador
Español [PDF]
Mr. Mario Castro Grande,
Chargé d’Affaires


No. State Speaker
1. Morocco
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Omar Zniber,
Permanent Representative
2. Angola
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Fidelino Loy de Jesus Figueiredo,
Permanent Representative
3. Belgium
Français [PDF]
H.E. Luc Carbonez,
Ambassadeur, Direction de la Politique Etrangère et se Sécurité Commune, de la Défense et du Désarmement
4. Egypt
Arabic [PDF]
Mr. Hassan El-Laithy,
Chargé d'Affaires, Permanent Mission
5. Thailand [PDF] Dr. Manoon Aramrattana,
Deputy Secretary-General, Office of Atoms of Peace, Ministry of Science and Technology
6. Indonesia [PDF] H.E. Mr. Thomas Aquino Samodra Sriwidjaja,
Permanent Representative
7. Azerbaijan [PDF] H.E. Mr. Vaqif Sadiqov,
Permanent Representative
8. Israel [PDF] Dr. Ariel (Eli) Levite,
Principal Deputy Director General (Policy), Israel Atomic Energy Commission
9. Venezuela
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Gustavo Marquez Marin,
Permanent Representative
10. Chile
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Raimundo Gonzalez Aninat,
Permanent Representative
11. Portugal [PDF] H.E. Mr. Carlos Neves Ferreira,
Permanent Representative
12. South Africa [PDF] Mr. Alfred Tokollo Moleah,
Permanent Representative
13. Nigeria [PDF] Ms. Maria Oyeyinka Laose,
Charge d'Affaires a.i.
14. Vietnam [PDF] H.E. Mr. Tran Van Tung,
15. Ecuador
Español [PDF]
16. African Union
Français [PDF]
No. Non-Signatories
1. Afghanistan [PDF] Mr. Anwar Anwarzai,
Head of the Western Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
No. International
1. International Atomic
Energy Agency [PDF]
Mr. Mohammed ElBaradei,
Director General
No. Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs)
1. Joint NGO Statement
Dr. Klaus Renoldner,
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Conference Material

  1. Provisional Agenda ( PDF )
  2. Draft Rules of Procedure ( PDF )
  3. Official Background paper (Rev.1) ( PDF ) Corr.1 | Corr.2 |
  4. Information for participants ( PDF )
  5. Austria Centre floor plan ( PDF )
  6. Report of the Conference
    (includes Final Declaration) ( PDF )


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article.