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2005 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty United Nations, New York, USA

Date and time

Wednesday, 21 September 2005
Afternoon Session 15:00 

Thursday, 22 September 2005
Morning Session 10:00 
Afternoon Session 15:00 

Friday, 23 September 2005
Morning Session 10:00  



No. State Speaker
1. United Nations [PDF]
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Kofi A. ANNAN,
2. Australia [PDF] H.E. Mr. Alexander DOWNER, MP,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
3. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization [PDF]
H.E. Mr Tibor TÓTH,
Executive Secretary
4. Finland [PDF] H.E. Mr. Tom GRÖNBERG, Ambassador
5. Special Representative to
promote ratification process
of the CTBT [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Jaap RAMAKER,
Special Representative to promote the ratification process of the CTBT
6. United Kingdom, on behalf of
the EU [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Jack STRAW,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
7. Turkey [PDF] H.E. Mr. Abdullah GÜL,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
8. Kazakhstan [PDF] H.E. Mr. Kassymzhomart TOKAEV,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
9. Canada [PDF]
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Pierre PETTIGREW,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
10. Malaysia, on behalf of NAM [PDF] H.E. Mr. Syed Hamid ALBAR,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
11. Peru [PDF] H.E. Mr. Oscar Maúrtua de ROMAÑA,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
12. Hungary [PDF] H.E. Mr. Ferenz SOMOGYI,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
13. Croatia [PDF] H.E. Ms. Kolinda GRABAR-KITAROVIC,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
14. Bosnia and Herzegovina [PDF] H.E. Dr. Mladen IVANIC,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
15. Poland [PDF] H.E. Mr. Adam Daniel ROTFELD,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
16. Norway [PDF] H.E. Mr. Jan PETERSEN,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
17. Germany [PDF] H.E. Mr. Klaus SCHARIOTH,
Secretary of State
18. Argentina H.E. Mr. Roberto Garcia MORITAN,
Under-Secretary for Foreign Policy Ministry of Foreign Affairs


No. State Speaker
1. Bulgaria [PDF] H.E. Mr. Ivailo KALFIN,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
2. Philippines [PDF] H.E. Mr. Alberto ROMULO,
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
3. Sierra Leone [PDF] H.E. Mr. Momodu KOROMA,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
4. Nigeria [PDF] H.E. Mr. Aminu B. WALI,
Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations
5. Belarus [PDF]
Russian [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Sergey MARTYNOV,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
6. Austria [PDF] H.E. Dr. Hans WINKLER,
State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
7. France [PDF]
Français [PDF]
H.E. Ms. Catherine COLONNA,
Delegate Minister for European Affairs
8. Greece [PDF] H.E. Mr. Yannis VALINAKIS,
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
9. Italy [PDF] H.E. Mr. Giampaolo BETTAMIO,
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
10. Ukraine [PDF] H.E. Mr. Ihor DOLHOV,
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
11. Mexico
Español [PDF]
H.E. Ms. Maria del Refugio GONZALEZ DOMINGUEZ,
Under-Secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights
12. Morocco
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Mohamed BENAISSA,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
13. Algeria
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Abdallah BAALI,
Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations in New York
14. Chile [PDF]
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Alfredo LABBÉ,
Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations in New York
15. Russian Federation [PDF] H.E. Mr. Andrey I. DENISOV,
Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York
16. Brazil [PDF] H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Mota SARDENBERG,
Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations in New York
17. New Zealand [PDF] H.E. Ms. Rosemary BANKS,
Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the United Nations in New York
18. China [PDF] H.E. Mr. ZHANG Yishan,
Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations in New York
19. Switzerland [PDF]
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Rudolf SCHALLER,
Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OSCE, United Nations and International Organisations in Vienna
20. Holy See [PDF] H.E. Archbishop Celestino MIGLIORE,
Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York


No. State Speaker
1. Colombia
Español [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Jaime GIRON,
Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. South Africa [PDF] H.E. Mr. Dumisani Shadrack KUMALO,
Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the United Nations in New York
3. Kenya [PDF] H.E. Mr. Julius KANDIE,
Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations in Vienna
4. Burkina Faso
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mrs. Beatrice DAMIBA,
Ambassador of Burkina Faso to the United Nations in Vienna
5. Sweden [PDF] H.E. Mr. Anders LIDÉN,
Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations in New York
6. Japan [PDF] H.E. Mr. Tatsuo ARIMA,
Representative of the Government of Japan
7. Ireland [PDF] H.E. Mr. Richard Ryan,
Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations in New York
8. Guatemala [PDF] H.E. Mr. Jorge SKINNER-KLEE,
Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the United Nations in New York
9. Republic of Korea [PDF] H.E. Mr. CHUN Yung-Woo,
Deputy Minister for Policy Planning and International Organization
10. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya H.E. Mr. Ali Mohamed GASHUT,
Director General, National Center for Research and Development, Head of Delegation
11. Uruguay [PDF]
Español [PDF]
Mr. Enrique LOEDEL,
Minister Counsellor of Uruguay to the United Nations in New York
12. Indonesia [PDF] H.E. Mr. Rezlan Ishar JENIE,
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations in New York
13. Netherlands [PDF] H.E. Mr. Frank MAJOOR,
Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations in New York
14. Bolivia
Español [PDF]
Ms. Maria Alicia TERRAZAS,
Minister Counsellor of Bolivia to the United Nations in New York
15. Jordan [PDF] Ms. Saja MAJALI,
Counsellor of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations in New York
16. Israel [PDF] Dr Itshak LEDERMAN,
Senior Director for CTBT Affairs and Special Projects Israel Atomic Energy Commission


No. State Speaker
1. Antigua and Barbuda [PDF] Ms. Gillian JOSEPH,
First Secretary of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations in New York
2. Haiti
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Hérard ABRAHAM,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
3. Czech Republic [PDF] H.E. Mr. Hynek KMONÍCEK,
Permanent Reprepresentative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations in New York
4. Egypt [PDF] Mr. Amr Aboul ATTA,
Deputy Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations in New York
5. Benin
Français [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Rogatieu BIAOU,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and African Integration
6. Qatar [PDF]
Arabic [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz AL-NASSER,
Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations in New York
7. Portugal [PDF] H.E. Mr. João SALGUEIRO,
Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations in New York
8. Bangladesh [PDF] H.E. Mr. Iftekhar Ahmed CHOWDHURY,
Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations
9. Albania H.E. Mr. Zef MAZI,
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations in Vienna
10. Iraq
Arabic [PDF]
H.E. Mr. Samir SUMAIDA'IE,
Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations in New York
11. NGO: Arms Control Association [PDF] H.E.Mr. Daryl KIMBALL,
Executive Director of the Arms Control Association
12. Credentials Commitee - Austria [PDF] H.E. Mr. Thorsten EISINGERICH,
On behalf of the Credentials Committee
13. Intervention - France [PDF]
Français [PDF]

List of non-governmental organizations (PDF)


Conference Material

  1. Information Note ( PDF )
  2. List of participants
    at the Conference ( PDF )
  3. Provisional Agenda ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  4. Draft Rules of Procedure ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  5. Official Background paper (Rev.1) ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  6. Activities undertaken by
    Signatory and Ratifying
    States under Measure (k)
    of the Final Declaration of
    the 2003 Conference... ( PDF )
  7. Credentials of representatives ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  8. Final declaration and measures
    to promote the entry into force
    of the Comprehensive
    Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ( PDF )
  9. Report of the Conference ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article.