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2015 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty United Nations, New York

Conference date and time

Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Article XIV Session 10:00 - 18:00  


Morning and afternoon sessions on video



State Speaker
United Nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization
H.E. Dr. Lassina Zerbo
Executive Secretary
European Commission
Norway H.E. Ms. Tone Skogen
State Secretary, Foreign Affairs
Joint Statement on behalf of Non-Governmental Organizations Mr. Daryl G. Kimball,
Executive Director, Arms Control Association
Slovakia H.E. Mr. Miroslav LAJČÁK
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
H.E. Salaheddine Mezouar
Ministre des Affaires Etrangères
et de la Coopération
Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Daniel Mitov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Thailand Ms. Morakot Sriswasdi
Deputy Director - General of the Department of International Organisations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
European Union H.E. Ms Federica Mogherini
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Vice President of the European Commission
Hungary H.E. Minister Péter Szijjártó
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Sweden H.E. Ms. Margot Wallström
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Azerbaijan H .E. Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United States H .E. Mr. Antony J. Blinken
Deputy Secretary of State
H.E Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Netherlands Mr. Wim Geerts
Director General of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
H.E. Mr. Philippe Bertoux
Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
H.E. Ms. Helena Yánez
Undersecretary for International Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Japan H.E. Mr. Fumio Kishida
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Brazil H.E. Mr Antonio de Aguiar Patriota
Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations
Latvia H.E. Ms. Baiba Braže
Director General for Security Policy and International Organizations
H.E. Ramtane Lamamra
Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
New Zealand H.E Phillip Taula
Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations
United Kingdom Mr. Paul Williams
Director, Multilateral Policy Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Presidents - Designate

Read previews of the articles by Foreign Minister Kishida and Foreign Minister Idrissov in the next issue of Spectrum (24).

Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

Erlan Idrissov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan

Conference Material

  1. Final Declaration
    ( PDF )
  2. Invitation by the UN Secretary-General
    a. To States that have ratified the CTBT ( PDF ) French | Spanish
    b. To States that have signed the CTBT ( PDF ) French | Spanish
    c. To non-signatory States ( PDF ) Spanish
  3. Draft Rules of Procedure
    ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  4. Draft Provisional Agenda
    ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese French   Russian | Spanish
  5. Official Background Paper
    ( PDF )
    Corrigendum 1 ( PDF ) | Corrigendum 2 ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French   Russian | Spanish
  6. Activities undertaken by signatory and ratifying States
    ( PDF )
  7. Information for Participants
    ( PDF )
  8. Procedural and organizational matters
    ( PDF )
  9. List of non-governmental organizations requesting accreditation
    ( PDF )
  10. Report of the Conference
    ( PDF ) Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) contains a special mechanism to promote its entry into force – a conference designed to facilitate this objective takes place every other year. While its official designation is the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, it is more commonly known as the “Article XIV conference” in accordance with the relevant Treaty article. The ninth Article XIV conference will take place on 29 September 2015 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA.