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Building Blocks Towards a Successful
NPT Review Conference

“The successful Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the conclusion of the new strategic arms reduction treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States (New START), and the release of a revised U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) seeking to reduce the number and role of nuclear weapons are three substantial building blocks towards a successful Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),” said Tibor Tóth, the Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

“The Nuclear Security Summit demonstrates the determination of the international community to confront head-on the dangers posed by nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. As underlined at the summit, effective nuclear security practices facilitate the fulfillment of nonproliferation obligations,” noted Tóth. “Responding collectively to nuclear security concerns sets the stage for further cooperative measures to promote nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, including entry into force and universality of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).”

“President Obama’s commitment to seek U.S. ratification of the CTBT during his Prague speech a year ago has now been enshrined in a revised U.S. nuclear posture,” the CTBTO Executive Secretary said. “The NPR identifies U.S. ratification and entry into force of the CTBT as principal means of reinforcing the nonproliferation regime. It also recognizes the role of the CTBT in diminishing reliance on nuclear weapons, reducing nuclear competition, and making progress towards nuclear disarmament,” he added. “The strength of the U.S. commitment to the test ban is a welcome development in the efforts to free the world from the dangers posed by nuclear weapons.”

“New START illustrates that negotiations towards reducing the size of the nuclear arsenals and maintaining a robust verification regime are indispensable in realizing President Obama’s vision of a world free of nuclear weapons,” Tóth said. “But as the U.S. President underlined during his remarks at the signing ceremony last week, New START is an important first step forward, but only one on a longer journey.”

“Looking forward to the NPT Review Conference, I see an inextricable link between the CTBT and the NPT,” underlined Tóth. “The CTBT is one of the measures around which an international consensus has been established. Opened for signature in 1996, the CTBT bans all nuclear explosions. Ratified by 151 States and signed by 182, this Treaty has reached near universalization.”

“Building upon these positive developments and seeking concrete action towards entry into force of the CTBT, the international community can contribute greatly to the success of the NPT Review Conference,” Tóth concluded. Watch a video interview with CTBTO Head Tibor Tóth on recent nuclear developments.

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