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Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses support for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Mr Li Zhaoxing, has expressed support for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) during a meeting with the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Mr Wolfgang Hoffman. The meeting took place in Beijing on 8 July 2003. The Minister and the Executive Secretary discussed issues concerning the CTBT and the activities of the Preparatory Commission. The Foreign Minister expressed China's support for the CTBT, as well as the positive attitude of the Government towards ratification of the Treaty. The issue of ratification is currently under review by the National People's Congress. During the visit, the Executive Secretary also met with high officials from the Ministry of Defence and the National People's Congress. He visited Beijing Radionuclide Station and made a presentation on the CTBT to a group of scientists and experts from relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions. Under the terms of the Treaty, China hosts 12 International Monitoring System facilities: two primary seismic stations in Hailar (PS12) and Lanzhou (PS13); four auxiliary seismic stations in Baijiatuan (AS020), Kunming (AS021), Sheshan (AS022) and Xi'an (AS023); two infrasound stations in Beijing (IS15 and Kunming (IS16); three radionuclide stations in Beijing (RN20), Lanzhou (RN21) and Guangzhou (RN22); and a radionuclide laboratory in Beijing (RL06).

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