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Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Operations and Maintenance
Workshop opens in Baden, Austria


A workshop dedicated to the provisional operation and maintenance of the stations that form the International Monitoring System (IMS) will be opened on Monday, 11 October 2004, in Baden, Austria, by the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission. Over 180 participants will attend the workshop from some 55 Member States and from the staff of the PTS. Participants include station operators and managers, National Data Centre managers responsible for station operation, technical experts, equipment and service providers. Opening statements will be made by Dr Rashad Kebeasy and Dr Gerardo Suarez on behalf of the Provisional Technical Secretariat, and by the Chairperson of the Workshop, Dr Mike Berry, former Director-General of the Geological Survey of Canada. The Operations and Maintenance Workshop is the first workshop to concentrate exclusively on the provisional Operation and Maintenance of IMS stations. The workshop is divided into four themes: Station Operation and Management, Sustainability and Development, System Performance and Training. Participants are expected to discuss methods to improve the performance and sustainability of the International Monitoring System (IMS) network, the support required by the station operators, and improvements to IMS network management tools, with a view to develop recommendations to improve the provisional Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the system. The workshop also aims to provide a platform to discuss an integrated logistics support approach, and to share experience in operating and maintaining the International Monitoring System (IMS) network. Participants will present and discuss the results of the Preparatory Phase of a System-wide Performance Test (SPT1) conducted in 2004 and develop recommendations for SPT1 in 2005, and will discuss training issues for both station operators and NDC staff. In addition, the Global Communications Infrastructure, which is the satellite communications link that brings data from the stations into Vienna, will provide demonstrations and training in a specially set up demonstration room. Finally, a ceremony for station operators will take place on Friday 15 October, at which station certifications will be recognized with the presentation of special certificates.

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