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Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Vienna, 3-5 September 2003 The Conference Report of the 2003 Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was issued today. The Conference Report contains the Final Declaration as an Annex, and is available from the Conference area of the CTBTO web site. The Final Declaration and Measures to Promote the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was adopted by acclamation by the Conference. The Final Declaration stresses the importance of a universal and effectively verifiable comprehensive Treaty as a major instrument in all aspects of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. It reaffirms the importance of the Treaty and its entry into force "for the practical steps for the systematic and progressive efforts towards nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation which were agreed to by the participating States at international forums dealing with nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation." It also notes with concern, however, that despite the progress made and the international community's strong support for the CTBT, the Treaty had not entered into force seven years after its opening for signature. Drafted at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 September 1996, the Treaty was opened for signature on 24 September 1996 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. It must be ratified by the 44 States listed in its Annex 2 before it can enter into force.

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