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CTBTO Preparatory Commission
calls on States to sign and ratify
the CTBT during the forthcoming
United Nations Millennium Summit

States that have not yet signed or ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) have been called upon to make use of the unique opportunity offered by the Millennium Summit to do so. This appeal was made in a decision adopted today by members of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), which is holding its twelfth session this week at the Vienna International Centre, under its Chairperson, Ambassador Olga Pellicer, Permanent Representative of Mexico. The Millennium Summit, which will be held from 6 to 8 September 2000, will see Heads of State and Government gather at the United Nations Headquarters, New York. During the Summit, Treaties deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General - including the CTBT - will be open for signature and ratification as part of an initiative of the Secretary-General to promote participation in vital international instruments. The CTBT has been included among 25 core multilateral treaties identified in preparation for the Summit as representing the key objectives of the United Nations. So far, 155 States have signed the CTBT and 60 of them have deposited instruments of ratification; of which 30 are States named in the Treaty whose signature and ratification are necessary for the Treaty to enter into force. ***** The 60 States that have deposited their instruments of ratification of the CTBT are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Micronesia (Federated States of), Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Uzbekistan.

For further information on the CTBTO, please see www.ctbto.org or contact:
Annika Thunborg, Chief, Public Information  
T    +43 1 26030-6375  
E    [email protected]
M    +43 699 1459 6375       
I    www.ctbto.org