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CTBTO Preparatory Commission
concludes its Thirteenth Session
and adopts budget for 2001

A programme of work and budget for 2001 totalling US$83,499,500 was adopted by the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO Preparatory Commission) at its 13th Session, held in Vienna from 20 to 21 November 2000. The breakdown of the budget is as follows: - US$43,008,400 (51.51%) to continue the establishment or upgrading of the global network of stations for the International Monitoring System (IMS). - US$12,922,200 (15.48%) to continue to build up the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna. - US$10,049,200 (12.04%) for the installation of the global communications infrastructure to link the monitoring facilities by satellite to the IDC. - US$2,252,900 (2.70%) for the development of procedures, guidelines and the infrastructure required to support on-site inspections after the Treaty4s entry into force. - US$940,900 (1.13%) for the evaluation of verification activities. - US$3,008,200 (3.60%) for Policy-making Organs. - US $11,317,700 (13.55%) for administration, coordination and support costs. Ambassador Jaap Ramaker, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands, was elected as Chairperson for the first half of 2001. Other decisions taken by the Preparatory Commission included the renewal of the appointment of its Executive Secretary, Wolfgang Hoffmann, for a period of 12 months, from 3 March 2001 to 2 March 2002. The Preparatory Commission, which started work in Vienna in 1997, is currently setting up the global verification regime to ensure that any non-compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is detected. The CTBT prohibits all nuclear weapon test explosions and any other nuclear explosions in any environment.

For further information on the CTBTO, please see www.ctbto.org or contact:
Annika Thunborg, Chief, Public Information  
T    +43 1 26030-6375  
E    [email protected]
M    +43 699 1459 6375       
I    www.ctbto.org