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2016: CTBT20 Ministerial Meeting

About the CTBT20 Conference

The 20 Years CTBT Ministerial Meeting brought together leaders and policymakers to discuss, review, and reinvigorate the discussion on the CTBT. By providing a venue for participants to voice their needs, security concerns, and demands, the Ministerial Meeting stimulated the discussion needed on the issues currently blocking the entry into force of the worldwide ban on nuclear explosions.

This year represents an opportune moment to engage in these discussions. Marking 20 years after the Treaty opened for signature, the eight remaining Annex 2 countries that have still to ratify the Treaty were invited to join Member States and the CTBTO to discuss what is required to turn the global moratorium on nuclear testing from de facto into de jure.

Other events held on the sidelines of the Ministerial Meeting included a civil society panel entitled “CTBT@20: The Way Forward - The role of Civil Society” and the opening of the CTBT@20 exhibition.

The High Level Ministerial Meeting started on 13 June 2016, at the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria

Conference Programme

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Monday 13 June 2016

10:15 Opening of the forty-sixth Session of the Preparatory Commission: Ministerial Meeting (open to media) Board Room B,
11:30 Ministerial Roundtable Discussion (closed to media) Conference Room M2,
12:30 Press stake-out Outside main entrance to Board Room B,
13:10 Opening of the CTBT@20 Exhibition VIC Rotunda
14:45 Press stake-out
Lazăr Comănescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, and CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo
Outside main entrance to Board Room B,
15:00 Ministerial Meeting resumes (open to media) Board Room B,
15:00 - 17:00 Side Event
CTBT@20: The Way Forward - The role of Civil Society
(open to media)
Conference Room M2,
15:00 Side Event
Organized by the Permanent Mission of the United States
Conference Room M3,

Tuesday 14 June 2016

10:00 Resumption of the forty-sixth Session of the Preparatory Commission Board Room C,
10:00 Meeting of the CTBTO Group of Eminent Persons (GEM) (closed) Conference Room C0213,
10:00 Meeting of the CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) (closed) Conference Room C5,
10:30 Media Roundtable
Organized by the Permanent Mission of the United States
Rose Gottemoeller, U.S Department of State Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security and Madelyn Creedon, U.S. Department of Energy Principal Deputy Administrator for the National Nuclear Security Administration
Conference Room C4,
14:30 Joint meeting of the GEM and CYG (closed) Conference Room C0213,
15:00 Continuation of the forty-sixth Session of the Preparatory Commission Board Room C,

Statements as Received by Organizations or Group

Organization Speaker
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Lassina Zerbo
CTBTO Executive Secretary
United Nations Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General
delivered by Kim Won-soo, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs
Group of Eminent Persons (GEM)  
CTBTO Youth Group  
Civil Society Daryl Kimball, Executive Director, Arms Control Association

Statements by Country

State Speaker
Afghanistan Najibullah Alikhil, Director of Border Affairs and Security Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Algeria (French) Rachid Beladhane, Director General of Political Affairs and International Security
Argentina (Spanish) Carlos Mario Foradori, Deputy Foreign Minister
Armenia Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Australia Richard Sadleir, First Assistant Secretary, International Security Division
Austria Sebastian Kurz, Foreign Minister
Azerbaijan, with enclosure  
Belgium (French) Armand De Decker, Minister of State
Bosnia and Herzegovina Igor Crnadak, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Brazil Ambassador Laercio Vinhas
Burkina_Faso (French) Alpha Barry, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Burkinabe Living abroad
Chile (Spanish) Alfredo Labbé, Director General for Foreign Policy
China Li Baodong, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Croatia Amir Muharemi, Assistant Minister, Directorate-General for Multilateral and Global Affairs
Dominican Republic for GRULAC (Spanish) Ambassador Ramon Quiñones
Ecuador Ambassador Pastor Morris
European Union
Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Finland Ambassador Anu Laamanen
France (French) Hélène Duchene, Directrice des Affaires stratégiques, de Sécurité et du Désarmement
Spain (Spanish) Ignacio Ybáñez Rubio, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Germany Patricia Flor, Commissioner and Head of the Federal Foreign Office’s Directorate-General for International Order, the United Nations and Arms Control
Holy See The Reverend Monsignor Janusz S. Urbańczyk
Hungary István Mikola, Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Hamid Baeidinejad, Director-General for International Political and Security Affairs
Iraq (Arabic) Omar Barzanji, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and Multilateral Relations
Ireland Joe McHugh, TD, Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development
Italy Ambassador Filippo Formica
Japan Seiji Kihara, State Minister for Foreign Affairs
Jordan (Arabic)  
Kazakhstan Erlan A. Idrissov, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Kuwait (Arabic)  
Latvia Ambassador Bahtijors Hasans
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ambassador Kire Ilioski
Mexico (Spanish)  
Mongolia Ambassador Batjargal Gunaajav
New_Zealand Ambassador Deborah Geels
Nigeria Geoffrey Onyeama, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Norway Tone Skogen, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Pakistan Ambassador Ayesha Riyaz
Philippines Mario Montejo, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology
Portugal Ambassador Moitinho de Almeida
Republic of Korea Jong-moon Choi, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs
Romania Laz?r Com?nescu, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Serbia Branimir Filipovi?, Acting Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy
Singapore Ambassador Foo Kok Jwee
Slovakia Miroslav Laj?ák, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
Slovenia Sanja Štiglic, Director-General for Multilateral Affairs, Development Cooperation and International Law
Spain (Spanish) Ignacio Ybáñez Rubio, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
South Africa Ambassador Tebogo Seokolo
Sweden Annika Söder, State Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, Minister for Foreign Affairs
United Arab Emirates  
United Kingdom Tobias Ellwood, Under Secretary of State
United States Rose Gottemoeller, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

Group of Eminent Persons (GEM)

CTBTO Youth Group Report for the CTBT 20th Anniversary


Throughout June, the Vienna International Centre’s Rotunda will host a large exhibition on the CTBT and its organization. Exhibits include on-site inspection equipment not made available to the public before; artworks and photography inspired by the issue of nuclear testing from China, Kazakhstan and other countries as well as the 360 virtual reality film installation “Collisions” (13-16 June) starring an Australian indigenous elder who experienced nuclear testing in his homelands. 

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